Increased Data Usage

We live in a world where data  informs everything from our most basic of functions through to the most complex and strategic decisions. In education, whilst it may not be thought of as ‘data’ per se, even bite-sized pieces of information can give a big picture view of what and how children are learning. Whether it is collected through tests and marking classwork, or through a more digitized process, it all counts towards the collective ‘data’ term. 

Types of data:

  • formative assessments that indicate their degree of understanding, such as, exit tickets, thumbs up/thumbs down, strategic questioning and checklists
  • summative assessments such as projects, evaluation at the end of a unit or exam
  • observation records to document student behaviors and interactions
  • student reports to provide regular updates on student progress
  • standardized tests to benchmark student performance against standardized markers

Data-driven learning is seen as an integral part of education and experts predict that 2024 will see more districts implementing this. 

As a result, core educational platforms, such as KneoWorld, will be utilizing data in new and innovative ways. They understand that meaningful information is an important tool for students’ success as well as their families, the districts and teachers; all who share this common goal.  

KneoWorld provides real-time data to measure student growth, collected via:

  • assessment and student evaluations offered through a range of touchpoints throughout the curriculum 
  • skill-aligned lessons where tasks are completed in order of mastery
  • identification of gaps in knowledge and understanding through collaborative activities
  • ongoing integrated progress monitoring
  • task-based games and problem-solving tasks where practical skills and critical thinking can be applied.

The value of KneoWorld’s platform and ability to meet the high demands for data in education is well-known amongst the schools and districts that use it. ‘I was going to build a formative assessment tool for my district but that’s not necessary now that I see what KneoWorld provides.’ District Public School Director of Early Childhood 

Observational data can also be used to inform and differentiate instruction. Read more about it here.

KneoWorld’s comprehensive data tools and training empower teachers to use formative data effectively. KneoWorld’s Director of Education and Curriculum, emphasizes that they, ‘provide the tools and training via our dedicated educational platform as well as Person Development and Teacher Guides to help teachers use formative data collected using KneoWorld. Our resources, such as pre- and post- checks for understanding, in conjunction with observational data, determine teachers’ instructional plans to meet the needs of their students.’

In an environment that demands data, KneoWorld provides data at a level that many other platforms cannot. It has the exceptional ability to produce the data that teachers want and deliver it so that it is easy to use and available in real-time. These customized, engaging and authentic learning experiences ensure that individual needs are not only met, but extend beyond the classroom.

Find out more about how KneoWorld’s innovative enrichment program can empower your students and accelerate their reading and math skills here.